Among recent movements, the student movement of the 1960s, the women's movement, and various nationalist movements have all produced new political concepts.
This mental trap produces very short-term concepts of effectiveness and consequences, a condition of constant, unplanned response to crises.
Destination Anywhere: The Film (also released in 1997) was produced and incorporated music and concepts from the album.
In the last 20 years, Peugeot, Volkswagen and even BMW have produced concepts, but never quite had the management will to turn them into reality.
Through these opportunities and with strategic partnerships, minority institutions can produce cutting-edge concepts and develop research to solve the nation's most pressing concerns.
We learned to produce ethnic concepts that were larger than life, to take advantage of location, to have fun.
His solution to competing against them was to produce more innovative games and concepts.
The three designers whose work will be scrutinised today have all produced significantly different concepts.
The Member States must produce clear concepts, visions and ideas.
Hirst's celebrity is founded entirely on his ability to produce shocking concepts.