Hugh Henry McCain (born 1854) was a produce dealer and political figure in New Brunswick, Canada.
In 1865, following disastrous floods, he went to Sydney and began business as a produce dealer.
Mitchell was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, where his father, George E. Mitchell, worked for a produce dealer and served as mayor from 1887 until 1888.
Potatoes came to the yard from every point in the United States to be bought or traded by produce dealers and brokers.
He was also a produce dealer and vice-president and founder of MacFarlane Produce.
And Spencer T. Pratt, a produce dealer, lived at No. 1224.
The station was usually used to transport fruits and vegetables that required refrigeration from trains to the private transportation of produce dealers.
If your produce dealer usually trims off the roots, ask that they be left on, because scallions keep better that way.
Webster was a produce dealer in Brockville.
Arthur's only sibling was a brother, Howard M. Harding, who became a produce dealer in Gallipolis, Ohio.