But the first half of the season has produced no more astounding development than the Pirates.
Researches have often conducted studies to determine whether or not membership to a clique produces positive or negative development.
In these 'neo-Europes' better institutions in turn produced better development outcomes.
Such pituitary failure in young produces dwarfism, a tendency to gross obesity, and arrested sexual development.
Disruption of either of these processes in males produces female-typical development.
No hormones have yet been discovered that are necessary early in life to produce female sexual development.
All credit must be given to Graf and her coaches for the hard work that has produced such success and rapid development.
My Group does not believe that economic growth automatically produces significant employment, nor does it automatically produce sustainable development.
An integrated approach will produce sustainable development: that is what we all want, and it is already the objective of numerous programmes.
And, encouragingly for the future, our costs of producing, finding and development all fell, on a per-barrel basis.