The past couple of years have produced such strong earnings that this quarter was the real test.
This has put enormous pressure on companies to find new markets and produce ever stronger quarterly earnings.
Strategies to reposition them have failed to produce strong sales growth and earnings.
This deal has the advantage of producing higher earnings faster.
In one, the economy slows and interest rates fall but the key technology stocks still produce healthy earnings.
Fair values used in income statement should not produce abnormal earnings.
If savings earn 7 percent a year (a generous assumption), they will produce earnings of $2,307 in that time.
At first, the mortgage strategy produced strong earnings, delighting investors.
The plan, which dates to the early 1980's and has cost the company more than $1 billion, has so far failed to produce sustained earnings.
It bid up the price of some major oil companies a bit, anticipating that the pact might produce stronger earnings.