Regular exercise may help reduce pain by improving your blood flow and producing endorphins, the body's natural pain relievers.
Bioelectric therapy also prompts the body to produce endorphins which help to relieve pain.
Aerobic exercise increases oxygen circulation and produces endorphins - chemicals that make you feel happy.
This is because they produce endorphins giving them a feeling which is similar to that of a head massage, laughter, or caress.
Exercise can help cancer patients battle depression and fatigue, because it produces natural endorphins that make us feel good.
It helps your body produce endorphins - the neurotransmitters in your brain that make you feel good.
(Cats also produce endorphins, molecules whose main function is to relieve pain.)
Ultraviolet radiation, the authors suggest, may produce endorphins, which have properties like opioids.
Exercise improves blood flow and produces endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.
According to him, further study is necessary to find out if acupressure mat could help produce endorphins.