When injected, it produces intense euphoria, frequently excitable behavior and then severe depression.
Opioids are excellent acute pain medication, but it is their ability to produce euphoria that makes them attractive to addicts.
The effects are stimulant in nature, producing euphoria, an increase in attention, and increased cognition.
The great benefit of ice is that it produces euphoria that lasts twenty-four hours.
Therefore victory in this war will likely produce little euphoria among the victors, only relief.
A $5 dose produces euphoria and increases energy for hours, whereas a cocaine high may last only half an hour.
Trapped in the gap between cells, they keep firing pleasure messages, producing euphoria.
But buprenorphine-naloxone does not produce euphoria when taken orally, and if injected it will actually make an addict feel sick.
Like those musics, his was viscerally engaging and often produced euphoria in its hearers.
Cocaethylene appears to, in most users, produce euphoria, and possess a longer duration of action than cocaine.