Now, he says, government incentives are needed so that auto companies take the financial risk of producing plug-in hybrids.
Before the 17th century, they said, there are no reports of grape breeders deliberately setting out to produce hybrids.
Some musicians have also produced hybrids between grind and electronic music.
Many of the species will produce hybrids if they come into contact.
Species of this genus are extensively used to produce artificial hybrids.
Researchers have already managed to produce hybrids of S. berthaultii and cultivated species.
On the other hand there is also evidence that crosses of the two types produce sterile hybrids.
They mate instead with young red hinds and produce fertile hybrids.
It is suspected that these four are able to produce fertile hybrids.
The issue is complicated by the fact some of the species are able to produce fertile hybrids.