Then came the series with the Yankees, which produced 70 runs in three games.
Jarman produced only four goals in eighteen games before he was released.
During the 2009/2010 season, Walker produced a career high of 102 points in 54 games.
Now the Islanders' offense will come under scrutiny, having produced just three goals in three games.
In an injury-plagued 1986 season, he produced only two sacks in 10 games.
And Kvasha had produced only one goal in 15 games.
That fourth quarter has produced 74 points in seven games - only the 7-0 Vikings, with 78 points, have more.
That was the fewest points the high-scoring forward had produced in seven games against the Knicks this season.
The squad produced its fewest goals in 52 games.
They have produced two or fewer runs in six games and one run four times.