With reporters and cameramen hovering over their table, the meeting produced no sharp exchanges or insights.
It's about producing new insights and work that is not only personally interesting but enriches the lives of neighbors.
This in turn could produce new insights into the conditions of the early solar system and the processes by which planets were formed.
Astronomers said the research was likely to produce insights into the birth and death of stars.
They produced valuable insights about the specific nature of the food and water crisis in basins.
His book brims with vignettes, which may be familiar but complement one other in ways that produce original insights.
During the 1970s, several experimental studies suggested that Buddhist meditation could produce insights into a wide range of psychological states.
The next 40 years of scientific research will certainly produce new data and insights.
Insight Labs has been criticized for not producing actionable insights.
Repeated engagement invariably produces additional insights that often seem quite wonderful.