Did almost all experiments produce neutrinos that were FTL or only a small portion of the experiments?
Nuclear fusion in the Sun produces only neutrinos that are associated with electrons, the so-called electron neutrinos .
They used a nuclear reactor to produce neutrinos and a tank of water as the agent for detection.
Hong-Yee Chiu found, however, that, according to his figures, a temperature was reached at which photons reacted with each other to produce neutrinos.
He estimated, in fact, that a supernova should produce neutrinos at a rate of about a quadrillion times that of the Sun.
Both of these particles' decays produce neutrinos.
"Perhaps it's capable of producing neutrinos," I replied.
These particles decay to produce muons and neutrinos.
It produces deuterium, neutrinos and so forth, which are matched with corresponding anti-particles held in a separate chamber.
It takes a nuclear reaction to produce neutrinos, and they're almost impossible to deflect.