Commodore Rodgers established a naval "dynasty" that produced several other notable officers.
The family has produced several military officers and intellectuals.
The stage is not, we think, very likely to produce good officers.
He said the plan would actually produce fewer officers over all.
The de Gaulle family produced several 20th-century officers, Resistance members, and French politicians.
He was English to the core, cut from the same cloth that had produced great seamen and officers for over a thousand years.
Secondly, educational reforms along Western lines produced not only military officers, but also professionals such as doctors, engineers, and translators.
The Donaurov family produced several government officials, military officers, and cultural figures:
Starfleet, Sisko thought, produced bright young officers like this by the dozen.
The family has produced several military officers, intellectuals, musicians and notables in other professions.