Furthermore, some species are used by indigenous peoples to produce poisons for hunting.
Female Raxacoricofallapatorians can produce poisons within their bodies which they then use against their enemies.
Some could produce poisons, to deter herbivores.
Another concern is that under certain conditions, Fusarium venenatum can produce poisons called trichothecene mycotoxins, which can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
However some fish, such as the puffer fish, produce poisons as a by-product of their natural metabolisms.
Does the injured brain produce poisons that create even more brain damage?
As Feyt points out, the Iridom olfactors are too preoccupied with producing pleasure drugs and poisons to produce important medicines.
The most common type of infection involves gram-negative bacteria, which produce powerful poisons known as endotoxins.
The company said B.T., a soil-based bacteria, comes in thousands of variations and that particular strains produce poisons that kill only particular pests.
In a way, the thought was laughable; still, plants and herbs could produce drugs and poisons.