The organization also produces and manages a website which offers shows, lectures, presentations, and articles about Judaism.
Different style sheets can be attached to any markup, semantic or presentational, to produce different presentations.
Multimedia, an area of computing that combines sound and pictures to produce eye-catching presentations, has so far promised more than it has delivered.
Ms. Rabb describes the basic concepts for producing forceful presentations and illustrates them with copious examples, including color images.
She said instead of showing pupils how computers work, they were being taught about how to use a computer to produce spreadsheets, presentations and other documents.
Steiner aimed to apply his training in mathematics, science, and philosophy to produce rigorous, verifiable presentations of those experiences.
Different style sheets can be attached to the logical structure to produce different presentations.
The Schuesslers expanded the concept beyond sports and produced marketing materials and presentations for Jaeb to promote his idea.
Other investigators have used these characteristics to produce the following research papers and presentations.
Indeed, teachers tell stories of students who produce sophisticated computer-aided presentations, but the information contained in them is simply cut and pasted from Web sites.