A pioneer in creating environmental sculpture, she used wood, stone and steel to produce dark shadows.
An on-camera flash isn't going to do it, since it will produce horrendous shadows and, quite likely, a bad case of red eye.
We know this because it produces shadows.
In addition, the sun's small angle with the horizon produces longer shadows.
It's high in the sky, producing short shadows from buildings and plants.
In the winter, the sun rises south of the east-west line, producing long shadows from structures and plants.
Orange emergency lighting produced strangely angled shadows across the walls.
In addition, shadow maps do not require the use of an additional stencil buffer, and can be modified to produce shadows with a soft edge.
Sauron has moves which produce shadows, similar to Johnny Cage.
This is the most modern light of the bunch and it's the one you'll use most when lighting interiors since it produces soft shadows.