It produces erect stalks up to 15 centimeters in height each bearing a single poppy flower.
The ginger lily turned deep green and produced stalks of blossoms much resembling huge white moths.
Microlaena stipoides grows to a height of approximately 0.7 metres and produces delicate drooping stalks carrying the spikelets which contain seeds.
Unlike orchids, cycads do not produce elegant stalks of comely flowers.
Everybody in my family was a closet gardener in a city apartment, producing pale lunar indoor stalks on the shadowy shelf above the winter coats.
In 100 to 115 days, they should produce stalks that are five to seven feet high, each topped with the long, stiff seed stems used to make brooms.
Although rhubarb will survive low-light conditions, it must be grown in full sun to produce thick, flavorful stalks.