Note that elements up to E118 have now been experimentally produced and that there are chemical studies on an increasing number of them.
Tonbaks with adjustable tuning have been produced experimentally but the head tension is normally fixed prior to performance with careful attention to the temperature and humidity.
Challenging electronic devices are produced experimentally, using previously discovered materials, such as carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, graphene, single molecules having functional groups, etc.
Vaterite can be produced as the first mineral deposits repairing natural or experimentally induced shell damage in some aragonite-shelled mollusks (e.g. gastropods).
Janus monsters have been produced experimentally by a variety of treatments of amphibian embryos in early stages.
Doubling of whole limbs in amphibia has been produced experimentally by injuring the limb rudiment at an early sensitive stage.
The same hybrid was produced experimentally in Japan where it is known as Abelmoschus glutino-textile.
Iraq initially denied making VX, then said that some was produced experimentally but later destroyed.
This arises from the fact that extraordinary psychic states experimentally produced by LSD in healthy research subjects are similar to many manifestations of certain mental disturbances.
They can be produced experimentally by pairing a neutral stimulus with a known reward.