A co-executive producer called this episode and its second part "731" logistically huge.
The producers, called shippers in the wine trade, usually announce their decision to declare about 18 months after the harvest.
So the producers called Northwest Weathernet Inc., a private company that could render specific forecasts.
It is importing gruner weltliner wines from a producer called Freie Weingartner.
But none of the 25 or so private schools the producers called would allow the producers to shoot any part of the process.
In 1983 he co-founded the most important Italian meeting for independent producers and bands called "Independent Music Meeting".
The figures on consumer prices followed a report Thursday showing that inflation at the producer, sometimes called wholesale, level was practically nonexistent during the autumn.
This album was produced by NTV herself and featured a collaboration with a group of producers called The Dreams.
I am finishing a 1/43-scale kit of a 1954 Maserati from a French producer called Feeling 43 that sells for 336 euros (about $447) at www.feeling43.com.
Months later, the producers called and asked would I appear in an episode of "Murphy Brown."