The young director was able to arrange an additional $20,000 in financing himself by pre-selling the European rights to a producer named Raymond Stross.
She was introduced to a producer named Tord Bäckström, who was looking for someone to perform a song written by a Swedish writer.
He received a call from a producer named Fernando Sulichin.
A producer named Dan Victor had signed on.
A producer named Buddy Ladd worked with Mr. Schwartz.
Sometime later, Hacker is attending his practice session, which is being supervised by a producer named Godfrey.
By chance, another producer named Nick Martinez recommended to them a young girl he'd met while driving in Ontario, California.
We are working with a producer named Jacquire King.
The class was taught by Chris Smith, who delivered an introduction to a producer named Todd Black.
For 52 minutes his story unraveled in a devastating "Frontline" documentary made by a producer named Carole Langer.