Those accords do not extend outside the United States, and antismoking groups have maintained that producers will operate under different rules abroad.
The main producers are operating on the basis of plans to invest $2 billion in modernization in 1998 and 1999, and those plans so far have not been scaled back, Mr. Gomez said.
Within manufacturing, producers of durable goods operated at 76.9 percent of capacity, compared with a much higher 85.2 percent rate for factories making nondurable products.
It is also produced in Malaysia, although it is typically not exported because most producers operate small farms and sell locally and to the tourist market.
Fishermen, craftsmen and other producers and retailers operated here.
The larger integrated flat steel producers operated as semiautonomous companies under the control of Siderbrás and were individually privatized during 1991 to 1993.
However, such dynamic and far-sighted traders and producers did not operate in a context which was generally favourable to the development of wage-paid labour or the accumulation of capital.
After years of consolidation in the global steel industry, many producers are now operating near peak capacity.
Most producers nowadays operate on an international basis.
And are the producers operating on the Dark Side?