The result of this link is that the most efficient producers tend to have the shortest development lead time.
The biggest producers tend to believe that everyone should eat what he kills, while their colleagues favor throwing everything into a common pot.
The correlation with numbers of published papers was less certain, although, in general, the high producers tend to publish the more consequential research.
Smaller producers tend to get squeezed out at such times.
Looking at the top five list above, you'll notice that ginormous producers of oil and other natural resources tend to do well by this metric.
Put another way, the producers and writers tend to share a distinct literary sensibility.
That is because producers have tended to drop the lower-yielding varieties, he explains.
The hip-hop producer tends to leave samples in their original, recognizable state.
But producers also tend to watch one another to avoid seeming either greedy or foolhardy.
The producers and musicians tend to make one critical mistake: they underestimate their audience.