Prices in other countries are often lower because the products do not bear the cost of American advertising or service.
But as of May 2013, not a single product bears their seal.
Such products can bear hefty price tags, ranging from $30 to more than $100 for a month's supply.
A warehouse was needed to supply all the stores with hundreds of products bearing the Rosa name.
Most products bearing the name are not made with the finest cottons from Egypt.
Though this logic doesn't always hold up, consumers are willing to pay more for products bearing an organic label.
Numerous Brunswick bowling balls and other products have borne his name over the years.
Relevant products must not bear a duty stamp when they are:
Today, more than 800 products bearing his name are sold in more than 140 countries.
Some products bear the endorsement of rabbis for whom no group affiliation or qualifications are given.