Other product enhancements included the introduction of a hot towel service, along with a boiled sweet pre-departure.
While there are no immediate plans to include a download feature to the Electronic Edition, it is a feature we have discussed as a future product enhancement.
According to them, the funding will be invested to launch new product enhancements, strengthen its technology infrastructure and keep on recruiting.
While in this capacity, he helped OCC increase earnings by over 60 percent through product enhancements, new technology deployment, tighter controls and expense efficiencies.
The subscription model includes support, services, and product enhancements via annual subscription.
"We never plan for revenues, we plan for products and we plan for product enhancements," he says.
Over the last decade numerous product enhancements have enabled far greater index and data support.
While the feature may sound trivial to non-users, Nuance notes that it "was the most requested product enhancement from Dragon Dictate customers."
Its product enhancements include a large viewfinder & exposure counter, sharp lens for great image quality, powerful flash system and a pop-up flash indicator.
In December 2010 version 7.0 was released with continued product enhancements including selective conversion, table and workflow improvements.