Payrolls are now rising by 1.8 percent, yet gross domestic product growth is red hot.
For 2005, it expects real gross domestic product growth of 2.3 percent to 5.3 percent.
In the 1960's the top tax rates on dividends and capital gains were very high, yet gross domestic product growth was strong.
Gross domestic product growth is likely to fall from 10.25 percent in 2000 to 6.5 percent this year.
At some point customers begin to demand and the product growth increases more rapidly.
He wanted to spend money on advertising, to foster product growth through different promotions.
The central bank said last week that it expected the bird flu epidemic to cut gross domestic product growth by 0.2 percent this year.
Gross domestic product growth stands at around 6% and exports continue to perform very well, as does investment in housing.
With annual gross domestic product growth of 13.45 percent over three decades since 1978, it is 3.5 percentage points higher than the national average.
Their datacenter expansion is driven by product growth, not the other way around.