They are essentially a product of human activity aided by the moist Irish climate.
Geothermal energy, however, is another product of volcanic activity that the country has harnessed more successfully.
Virtually the whole surface of Iowa is the product of glacial activity over the last two million years.
The oxygen tones fell, carbon dioxide rose; nothing filtered out the products of metabolic activity.
Biblical and other traditional texts are the products of human activity and are best understood by scientific analysis.
The deep, narrow gorge, where hikers like to swim after their ordeal, is another product of volcanic activity.
Order generally was a product of human activity.
Thus the spectacle, though it turns reality on its head, is itself a product of real activity.
It is also a product of conceptual activity that is practical, radical and nonstop.
The ability of wild animals to navigate may be adversely affected by products of human activity.