Albert thought such talk absurd and quietly persevered, trusting always that British manufacturing would benefit from exposure to the best products of foreign countries.
He considered that it was "natural" for Britain to manufacture for the world and exchange for agricultural products of other countries.
A survey of gross domestic product of countries around the world easily shows that shrinking the lower tier results in exponential benefits to the upper tier.
It also undertakes scientometrics based on its databases of scientific products of Iran and Islamic countries.
It is also more that the gross domestic product of countries such as Ireland, Hong Kong or Nigeria.
He called for ten per cent of the gross national product of rich countries to be spent on combatting poverty in the Third World.
The share of government spending in the gross domestic product of industrial countries has risen steadily throughout the century, up to the current 46 percent.
Here the process of evaluating the creditworthiness and soundness of financial products, of banks and even of whole countries has been left to the credit rating agencies.
LEAD: A chart last Sunday under the headline "National Output" gave an incorrect value for the gross national products of several countries.
The answer from the president was: "We need the products of advanced countries and not experiences with Peruvian products."