There are also concise profiles of the latest products, presented with top-line specifications and color photos.
"There's no massive marketing, all the booths cost about $2,000, so it's just the product and you, presented in an affordable way."
Onsite judges visit 3 teams each, and compare the products presented by those teams to determine which is the best product they sampled that day.
The floor and walls are bamboo plywood, the products presented in simple, uncluttered display cases.
This is arranged in Eriksöre, where the village's farmers and artists sell their products presented in a pleasant manner.
This does not mean the product being presented is under serial conditions but just states with evidence the current status.
"People were anxious to get in on the growing technology, but unable to determine their needs with the myriad of products being presented to them."
Being pushed and shoved into consuming products and services being presented to them by the media system.
It is one of the products presented in the Gastronomic Fair in Trujillo.
Group work or teamwork is a collaborative learning situation in which students share the task of developing a product presented at the end of the course.