It represents a declaration by a manufacturer that its products satisfy the European Union's health, safety and environmental standards.
According to Packard these needs are so strong that people are compelled to buy products to satisfy them.
The company must be able to communicate to potential customers the way in which its product would satisfy their needs, and provide competitive value.
The product should satisfy orthogonality, so it is orthogonal to all its members.
If the product does not satisfy to the specifications, it has to be rebuilt and tested again.
Quality Assurance is the planned or systematic actions necessary to provide enough confidence that a product or service will satisfy the given requirements.
No single product completely satisfies these requirements so the use of any particular agent is always a compromise.
By these means, we will ensure that the final product satisfies high standards of quality.
Europe can no longer accept a situation in which certain imported products do not satisfy environmental requirements.
Imported products must satisfy the same quality criteria as those produced in the EU.