Burnett's personal productions faltered due to his off-balance drum patterning and overall feel that did not reflect an industry sound.
Still, the production faltered at times.
Glaus's production faltered in July & August.
At many junctures, Channel 4's production faltered.
Both are essential and it is with the listener that the production of "Hughie" falters.
Yet it is precisely as theatre, as vivid human storytelling, that these productions have faltered.
But both the work and the production also falter, often simultaneously.
The horse and the recording artist take years to develop; both will be put to pasture when production falters.
Postell scored 12 points, and Artest, whose offensive production has been faltering in recent weeks, broke out for 22 points.
As the fluids are produced, the pressure will often decline, and production will falter.