The production was inspired by the life of Claude Cahun, a French writer and photographer who died in 1954.
Whether this production was inspired by Thomas Edison's 1900 film of the same title is unclear, as no copies remain of the South African version.
The production was set in an 1920s atmosphere and was inspired by the surrealist images of Man Ray.
This production is inspired by Nobel Prize winner Maurice Maeterlinck's astonishing play, Interior.
The production is inspired on the nature scenes, such as flowers, fruits and a bed full of green gram.
While their early production is mostly inspired by The Beatles, in the 1970s they also experimented in other genres, including progressive rock.
The production was inspired by a Mellon Institute study on sleep commissioned by the Simmons Mattress Company.
The production was inspired by an opera composed in 1975 by Luigi Nono, who was known for his experimental music and Marxist politics.
The song's musical-style and production were heavily inspired by rock and pop music from the 1980s, and its lyrics chronicle a relationship.
The song's musical-style and production were heavily inspired by rock from the 1980s, and its lyrics are about youth.