This, however, had ended when the writer-director transferred to other production outfit.
Last year's $19-a-barrel plunge in oil prices, to $10 from $29, is still shaking the smaller exploration and production outfits, whose ranks will probably continue to shrink.
Features a guest mix from Bristol one-man production outfit Rollo Jean.
Domingo achieved breakthrough in 2006 starring on six films from different production outfits.
Dollplay is created by The company P "a radical production outfit from Sweden".
But the financial contrasts are startling nonetheless, as these production outfits operate with lower overhead, and actors expect lower fees when they make independent films.
It also includes and Rob da Bank's own production outfit, Lazyboy.
Addictive TV originally formed in 1992 as a production outfit, then later developed into the act it is today.
He calls his music African RnB or, which is also the name of his independent production outfit.
But individual production outfits took too long to come up with new fare, and given the short shelf life of a film, it was smarter to rent.