She gained a further production role as a supervising producer and writer for the first season of The Closer in 2005.
Later production roles included work on films Control Factor and Trapped.
Dennis Ward once again was at the production role.
Hickman thereafter found his future in entertainment behind the scenes, having become involved in production roles.
He was also given production roles in the compilations of his father's films, released in the early 1960s.
In 1957, he undertook his first production role for Paramount Pictures.
Chulack served as a regular director along with his production role and contributed four episodes including the series finale.
However, the two musicians failed to maintain a working relationship, and ultimately Nelson chose not to be credited for his production role on the album.
The European Union's agriculture will also need a strong dose of entrepreneurship and an underlying production role.
The four key production roles for this story were all taken by men heavily involved in the development of Doctor Who.