In 1975 he worked on a production titled Alfie Darling.
The production, titled Selena Forever traveled to numerous cities with a large Mexican-American population for over a year.
A new drama surrounding the disappearance of a young girl has begun production, titled Amber.
Several productions titled Shakespeare on the Loose were held in the 1980s.
The production, titled "Shakespeare Revisited," crisscrossed the country, ultimately covering 19,000 miles.
That same year Basquette was cast first film in 48 years, an independent production titled Paradise Park.
The production was a low-budget production titled Salvage.
The second, a far more ambitious production titled "The Tressaurian Intersection" was shot in 2004, but released in segments over several years.
Her musical career began with the 1977 production titled The Atlantic Family Live at Montreux.
For the 2004 competitive season, the CorpsVets fielded a production titled, "The Heart of Jazz."