Shortly after the production wrapped, Albatross was sold and became a school vessel.
It was confirmed, that production wrapped on December 7, 2012, and the final episode had been taped.
Soon after production wrapped, the footage was lost and remained in limbo for over two years.
But the production actually wrapped a day early and $1,000 under budget.
It would not see the light of day until its premiere in October 1950, more than two years after production had wrapped.
Principal photography lasted 71 days, and the film's production officially wrapped on July 18, 2009.
Elvis' sensitivity was exposed to the entire country shortly after the production had wrapped.
After production wrapped, the sets were left as attractions at the park until 1999 when it was torn down to make room for another attraction.
While production on the show wrapped in February 2001, new episodes were shown until 2004.
The $7 million production wrapped on January 9, 1978, after 56 days of filming.