It is a comprehensive system covering the entire field of economic activities, both productive and nonproductive.
They instead propose a new tax, which would rise to 32 percent for the most productive fields, as well as 18 percent royalties.
Early Spanish explorers described large and productive fields among the Opata.
These heavy hitters left their original disciplines to concentrate on today's most exciting and productive field of medicine: the science of the brain.
The de novo design of real proteins became possible shortly afterwards, and in the 21st century it has become a productive field of research.
His most legendary achievement was finding a copiously productive field six weeks after leaving graduate school.
As noted by Crystal, science is an especially productive field for new coinages.
Bay Marchand has been the most productive field in the gulf, with more than 500 million barrels of oil pumped since the 1940's.
Later wells reached even greater depths, as drillers attempted to find the bottom of this extraordinarily productive but challenging field.
A subsequent, self-running sequence shows each player, as his productive fields are and how many snails could be captured.