First, most professional anthropologists use these words as if they were technical terms, but there is no general agreement about how this should be done.
It is difficult, however, to find a single work of this type that purports to be written by a professional anthropologist.
I do, however, know what a professional anthropologist is.
I would like to think that we professional anthropologists and professional writers could collaborate, sharing ideas and information.
Thomas notes that professional anthropologists have often been cautious in acknowledging the contribution of their 'amateur' forebears.
Artists compounded the work of professional anthropologists during this time period.
One professors said that some of the students were going to be professional anthropologists but he was not one of them.
Nearly 20 years older than he, Fletcher encouraged his education to become a professional anthropologist.
He was the first professional anthropologist to land on the North Sentinel Island.
When J rashly suggested that perhaps a professional anthropologist should be called in, the old man flew into a rage.