It was her first professional audition.
When all of the professional auditions are rejected, Vass turns to the street.
Most dancers have their professional auditions by age 17 or 18.
The first major benefit to having an Equity card, as an actor, is that most professional auditions are Equity-only calls.
Morris won his role on The Comeback at his very first professional audition.
Domigan approached Haslam's mother offering to represent her and she was soon going on professional auditions.
Her first professional audition and job was on a national radio network.
Osmond began going on professional auditions at the age of four, and was soon landing work in commercials.
Her school teacher had suggested that she join an agency and she got the part of Hannah within a couple of months, after her first professional audition.
At 15 she had her first professional audition, a benchmark in the career of any actor.