In the last 70 years two ideas have dominated the way professional biologists think about species.
These professional biologists worked with high school educators and administrators to develop and implement new curriculum materials.
As stated by the authors, this book was aimed at professional biologists and assumes considerable prior knowledge.
"I think," Jordin said mildly, "a professional biologist would label that aggressive behavior."
Disproof of the traditional ideas of spontaneous generation is no longer controversial among professional biologists.
But what do professional biologists think about the basic issues?
Cave Life was written for professional biologists, and.
And the implications go beyond the interests of professional biologists and biotechnology executives.
The professional biologist in me would give her left arm to be able to stay a year on this island, with full laboratory equipment to study it!
Finding the deformed frogs has given him thoughts of becoming a professional biologist some day.