Through selective matings, professional breeders have worked hard to enhance certain physical and behavioral characteristics and minimize others.
He hoped to find some new method of making a living and aspired to become a professional breeder of ferrets.
Typically, strains that are selectively bred are domesticated, and the breeding is normally done by a professional breeder.
Among the nonentomologist population in the United States, chowing down on insects is rare, but not unknown; every professional insect breeder has a story or two.
Even professional breeders are in the habit of making a loss.
This squash has been popular with the professional breeders who have developed many cultivars with outstanding qualities.
From them, probably 100,000 hybrids have been developed by professional and amateur breeders.
Her mother is a professional breeder of mastiffs in Victor.
After Jan. 1, 1992, only dogs and cats owned by professional and hobbyist breeders who hold special permits would be allowed to reproduce.
For professional breeders and trainers these are serious events to improve their business.