All communications are handed by Foxcomm, a professional caliber dispatch agency.
The race also gives those of less than professional caliber the chance to scrape elbows with the best in the sport.
The phrase "don't quit your day job" is a humorous response to a poor or mediocre performance not up to professional caliber.
Hartley stresses that continued participation in what is still an amateur sport takes sustained commitment and discipline of a professional caliber.
It was good, maybe of professional caliber, but it was also ter-rifyingly accurate.
After 1949, Turkish cinema was able to develop as a separate art, with a more professional caliber of talents.
While Rahner applauded the on-screen graphics as "professional caliber", he found the video footage to be "distractingly poor".
India and Abroad: Training many students both in Violin & Vocal, some of whom have attained professional caliber.
In 1837, at age 8, Shusaku was already almost a player of professional caliber.
The college shows keen interest in developing a professional caliber among the students.