Even the normally professional captain found it difficult to suppress his natural pride in the Unquenchable.
Most opposition to the appointment was based on objections to the idea of a professional captain.
Brown retired in 1953, and Brookes took over, the first professional captain of the county.
He was Sunderland's first professional captain as the team turned professional in 1886.
A variety of brunch, lunch and dinner cruises with professional captains for $15 to $37 a person.
He played for Kent for 25 years and was their first professional captain from late 1953 to 1956.
It was the first time that an England team had toured Australia under a professional captain since the 1880s.
He continued to perform well for Gloucestershire, becoming their first professional captain in 1953.
He played one match as Lancashire's first professional captain in 1923 but by then his health was declining.
The come left Rome proud and confident, a living legend amongst professional captains.