In the 18th century these pools were marketed and controlled by brokers, which gave them a professional character.
The 2011 census showed this professional character still present.
However, by 1940 the purely professional academic character of the discipline is much more marked.
In addition to scientific works, Griffith published two others of a professional character.
"The armed forces will have a professional character and will not belong to any political party."
An official for the school was quoted as saying "In no way is it an attack on his personal or professional character.
His professional character was marked by a painstaking industry and a thorough knowledge of the law.
The case being without precedent in my experience, I dropped my professional character at the outset.
But although your genuine professional fictitious character knows this goes on, there is very little that he or she can do about it.
But there are certain grave objections to his professional character.