In the years after the German reunification 1990/91 he started a career as a professional choreographer and dancing master.
From early childhood, she was introduced to the arts of acting and dancing by her mother, a professional choreographer.
Each division then put on a skit it had polished for weeks, often with the help of professional choreographers.
The program, which included works by professional choreographers, was long.
The show is The well-choreographed show by professional choreographer.
The result produces two problems: Miss Plisetskaya is not a professional choreographer.
But one does not need to be a professional choreographer to conduct such an operation.
In 1957 he also started working as a professional choreographer and dancer.
Student companies can provide opportunities for professional choreographers to experiment.
What did he see in this relatively unknown artist, who had only been a professional choreographer for five years?