The term "virtual office" implies space utilization, but a full application includes professional live communications.
Instead of ignoring demanding or inappropriate messages, we need to take the time to explain professional communication.
It is closely related to the fields of professional communication and technical communication.
There was no emotion in the gesture, just the professional communication of an unpleasant thought.
To provide means of professional communication and exchange of experience and ideas in energy economics.
There was nothing worse for a communications professional than to hear nothing.
Members earn the distinction of being a communications professional committed to continuous advancement and participation in the profession.
It may instead be considered a professional communication, and thus covered by the same privileges as conversations with other professionals, including doctors and psychiatrists.
The trend to use e-mail for both personal and professional communication is becoming more and more global.
The event is aimed at combining both professional communication and leisure activities for the free software professionals and enthusiasts.