Most professionals earn an hourly wage or salary which can be augmented through customer tips.
This is where professionals like Gainsborough's Williamson earn their money.
As in most industries, professionals and managers working in healthcare typically earn more than other workers in the industry.
Many professionals earn $20 a month, and the elderly spend almost 80 percent of their pensions on food.
To maintain the RD credential, professionals must participate in and earn continuing education units (often 75 hours every 5 years).
Yet we pay them far less than other professionals with essentially the same qualifications are now earning.
In a good week, he said, professionals like him can earn $1,000, and more than double that if they are crew chiefs.
Certified professionals may enjoy greater career opportunities and earning potential than their non-certified counterparts.
Meanwhile, professionals who used to earn $2,000 a month now earn $150.
The per capita income is $1 a day, and skilled professionals do not earn much more.