Even professionals who wanted to like it found that they couldn't use it for serious work until some of the big issues were resolved.
Still, even professionals have found most compensation reports to be heavy lifting.
But even the professionals can find the sudden press of prize-hungry pictures a bit much.
Even professionals may find it difficult to locate the playing field on which these architects were invited to compete.
Increasingly, however, the professionals concerned are finding ways in which they can do their own jobs properly, while working together for the child's benefit.
The professionals involved, the doctors and nurses, can find it deeply disturbing to tell the patients what they have to face.
Most trained professionals, and quite a few people seeking help, find this frightening.
But whoever gets the credit, professionals find such tours to be practical methods for getting information across.
A true professional would have found ample opportunity to break out after a successful conclusion to the operation.
In both categories, professionals are finding it difficult to reinvent themselves.