When caught, professional fishermen often make a small cuts through the bone near the tailfin.
He is a professional fisherman and a video game celebrity in Japan with a wife, two sons and one daughter.
Fishing activities remain but the number of professional fishermen is now less than 10.
The town also serves the professional fishermen who fish the Southern Ocean.
He was a professional fisherman for 3 years, then taking up work as a refrigeration mechanic when his family moved to Adelaide in 1956.
The play is an outgrowth of the conflict between the professional fishermen and those who fish as a hobby.
In 2008 a monument to those local professional fisherman lost at sea was erected.
They are to be found, and even then so very seldom, only in the ranks of the professional deep-sea fishermen.
There would then be no fishing quotas, no days at sea and 100% unemployment among professional fishermen.
This is only fair for the professional fishermen that we address this.