What began as an association of professional foresters, now has a membership of individuals who care about trees and forests: environmentalists, recreational enthusiasts and tree lovers.
Amongst the participants were professional foresters, scientists, educators, students, politicians, industry officers, workers and bankers.
Every year, 80,000 saplings are planted through this program, in addition to the more than 2.5 million trees planted throughout Israel yearly by our professional foresters.
The organisation promotes the involvement of professional foresters in decision making.
Augustine Henry (1857-1930) was a pioneering plant-collector in Western China in the late 19th century who became a professional forester in later life.
Graduates of the Biltmore School of Forestry became the first generation of American professional foresters.
As a professional forester, his view was that "forestry is tree farming," without destroying the long-term viability of the forests.
This was the first time that a professional forester had been put in charge and was a turning point in South African forestry.
To Iwan Krolis, a professional forester advising the Government, it seems that Suriname is again being bullied by the outside world.
The game was won by a professional forester, Ritchie White, who never unholstered his pistol and never killed anyone.