As a professional leader in mathematics education he is best known for two major accomplishments.
With a staff ratio of 1 for 20, it would take 50,000 skilled, trained, professional leaders.
First and foremost, however, he is a professional leader, having devoted years of experiential study on how to lead teams of people to great success.
It was attended by over 100 professional Jewish leaders from 60 different organizations.
The ruling comes as most of the city's 32 school boards are choosing superintendents, their chief professional leaders.
Despite his personality, he remained a highly professional leader and was driven all his life by a strong sense of duty.
This should be the plan of action for professional and political leaders who want to safeguard European agriculture.
First there were the "professional" leaders - ministers and social agency workers.
He was a sincerely committed professional leader and a dedicated Member of our Board.
By 1950, Altrusa had 266 clubs with 28,600 women executives and professional leaders as members.