Another bully is a professional stuntman who had previously appeared in other TV shows.
You don't do anything that could possibly get anybody hurt unless you're dealing with professional stuntmen.
How about a joust with 24 knights (professional stuntmen) on galloping white steeds?
There are stuntman schools in California and Florida, where professional stuntmen teach people how to do stunts.
I became a professional stuntman 35 years ago.
Often the stunt would also be demonstrated beforehand (successfully or unsuccessfully) by professional stuntmen.
"Chan does stuff that professional stuntmen won't do," says Blauer.
There, he met and trained with esteemed professional stuntmen, fight choreographers and coaches.
George Peter Wilbur, is an actor and was a once professional stuntman.
Upon leaving the Navy he became a professional stuntman, passing the hat for contributions after his performances.