Sugarpuss takes refuge in the house where the professors live and work, despite Bertram's objections.
Neighbors meandered by on the block where the professor and his family have lived for 10 years in the historically black northeast section of Teaneck.
The professor lived until l930, long enough to see the world spanned by radio - and long enough to know he had been forgotten.
"The professor and his wife live behind that hedge," Donald said, pointing across the road.
The professors are all siblings and have lived in the same house all their lives.
God knows how you profs live on your incomes.
From the glimpse she had of the house, the professor lived in the greatest comfort--more luxury.
A few other professors from the university lived there as well but they generally found the rents on the expensive side.
Jovan drove her to one of the old neighborhoods in the city, where the professor lived.
Let's sit down while I ask you where the professor lives in Boston.